Thursday, October 28, 2010

Pants too short?

OK so in my circle of friends are a lot of Stay At Home Mums, including me. I do this because I can't bear to part with my children, and despite us all having various reasons, the results are the same, somehow we need to earn a living. I started "GullyGaloo" because I wanted to share my love of up-cycling, but somehow selling took over and the sharing took a back seat. Anyway all I really wanted to say is that I am going to share an idea a day to helping you and your family get the most out of life while still caring for your environment. Some of you may also have ideas to share so please feel free to comment with any further suggestions.

Idea 1. Pants too short?

My son Gulliver is a slim little fellow but average height, so most regular fit clothes are either too large around the waist, or too short in the legs. I had a number of size 1 pants that still fit him around the waist so this is what I did -

1.Put the pants on him
2.Measured from bottom of pants to back of heel (this is now the extra length of fabric I needed)
3.Take the pants of him and send him to play with playdough :)
4.Now I measured the width of the bottom of the pants and cut out a square of cord material (you could use any, I suggest cutting up your baby clothes or unwanted adult clothes)
5.I the folded the squares in half and the sewed them up one side to form a tube, then I sewed the pants onto the bottom and viola! new pants! I also did another pair where I took out the knees. the brilliance of this idea for me is that you can make them too long and just fold up the cuff :)

I know some readers might be way ahead of this but think of those just starting, and also its good for those who would rather not throw away clothing!

1 comment:

  1. BTW I have used "him" as I have a boy, obviously you can use this idea for girls pants or jeans as well :)
